about Luisa Pisetta Ravanelli

1998 Italy. Based in Vienna, Austria.

1998 Italy, based in Vienna, Austria.

Luisa Pisetta Ravanelli is an artist who primarily works with sound, thinks through writing, and contemplates through movement.

She started her artistic carreer studying Contemporary Art at the Free University of Bolzano/Bozen (IT), with a focus in photography and installations. The exchange sememster at Bezalel Academy of Jerusalem led Luisa to drop bidimensional, static, framed means of representation. For this reason, sound and radio became her priviledged extensions. She moved to Bologna to work for Neuradio where she also realized the work ALhmesde for the research project 'Towards The Realm Of Materiality – Designing Philip K. Dick’s Non- Existing Devices Through Transmedia Processes'. Thereafter, she deepened the political aspect of her art by studying Applied Human Rights at Angewandte (Vienna, AT).
During her training in human rights, she encountered an overbearing presence of "objective" beautifully-written statements dominating the legal sphere of minority protection. This experience drove Luisa into the physical rituals of social dances as informal reactions to socio-political phenomena. More specifically, she is currently engaging with underground house dance culture as a response to below-ground gender-based oppressions.
Growing as a dancer and sound-based artist, she has performed in various spaces in Vienna such as Brunnenpassage, Dschungel Theaterhaus, SoHo Studios. She won the 'Dance Web' residency program at ImPulsTanz 2024 with mentor Isabel Lewis.

Her practice as an artist is directed at the nuances of communication with seemingly distant planets, geographically, socially or chronologically. In this, autobiographical archives play a significant role, weaving intimate obsessions into the fabric of politically dense discourses.

For Luisa, dance serves as a space to articulate forbidden emotions, nameless concepts, and urgent needs of the human body in a way that embraces the complexities in which they are found, without ex         -plain
April 6-7, Cagliari (Italy)
in Sa Manifattura. Performing Dies Irae, choreographed by Gloria Dorliguzzo, produced by Fuorimargine.

February 23, 2024, Vienna (Austria)
in Brunenpassage. Performing How Can I Tell This To My Father? in the framework of 'Theater Am Markt'.

November 14, 2023, Vienna (Austria)
in SOHO Studios. Mentoring and performing Dreamdough .

June 28, 2023, Vienna (Austria)
at ENTRE gallery. Performing Navigating Horizontally.

May 14, 2023, Panicale, PG (Italy)
at Teatro Caporali. Performing Time Kills by Biancosangue.

February 17, 2023, Vienna (Austria)
at Obolo Art gallery. Designing and carrying out a performative intervention for Wobbly Field exhibition.

March 25, 2023, Krems an der Donau (Austria)
in Klangraum Krems Minoritenkirche. Performing Weightless Matter On A Scale commissioned by Imago Dei festival.

26th of November 2022, Vienna (Austria)
in Celeste. Performing Der Schwarze Punkt with Grayson Ruple and Nazli Karabiyikoglu.

July 16-18, 2022, Panicale, PG (Italy)
at Effetto48 Festival. Performing Heat is Life by Biancosangue.

June 28, 2022, Vienna (Austria)
in Angewandte Performance Lab Studio, collectiveperformance: Floorganism.

June 16, 2022, Vienna (Austria)
at Dschungel Wien Theaterhaus. Jungekunst Festival Improvisation dance piece.

May 2021, Bolzano/Bozen (Italy)
in Don Bosco Neighborhood. Notterna, Performance and group exhibition in public spaces.

May 2019, Jerusalem
at Bezalel Photography Gallery. Group exhibition: You are (In)vited, curated by Maayan Sheleff.

June 2019, Jerusalem
at Bezalel Photography Gallery. Group exhibition: Back to the Future, curated by Yaari Sharon.

August 2018, Pergine Valsugana (TN), Italy
at Anomalía Contemporary. Group exhibition: KINIKO, curated by Chiara Duchi.

January 2018 – June 2020, Bolzano/Bozen (Italy) at UniBz campus GOG Exhibitions.
July 10 - August 6, 2024, Vienna (Austria)
Scholarship holder of the DanceWeb program at Impulstanz 2024, Vienna. A project by Life Long Burning.

October 2023 - January 2024, Vienna (Austria)
Teaching assistant in Angewandte for the course Performance und Raum by Peter Kozek.

November 2023 - March 2024, Vienna (Austria)
Program curator for the residency Premio Vienna. APL Wien, Italian Istitute of Culture in Vienna.

October 2022 - August 2023, Vienna (Austria)
Part of the concept team for the exhibition BLURRING BORDERS, REIMAGINING HORIZONS at ENTRE gallery.

May 2023, Panicale, PG (Italy)
Residency by Ponte di Archimede Produzioni, Castellammare del Golfo (TP).

February 2020 - now
Part of the research project: Towards the Realm of Materiality – Designing Philip K. Dick’s Non- Existing Devices Through Transmedia Processes.
Lead by German A. Duarte, Andrea Facchinetti e Secil Ugur Yavuz. Following a publication with Nero Editions (Rome) and an exhibition in Fabbrica del Vapore (Milan).

November 2021 - now, Vienna (Austria)
House and urban dance styles training/classes.

July 16-18, 2022, Panicale, PG (Italy)
Residency-contest at Effetto48 festival. Awarded another residency for 2023.

27 October 2020 (Online)
Invitation to lead a lecture about her radiosuq project, at Studio Image (Unibz).

September 2020, Cesena (Italy)
Summer School: Scuola Cònia, Societas Raffaello Sanzio Intensive course of Tecniques of Representation directed by Claudia Castellucci.

2014 - 2017, Trento (Italy)
Il Diapason, School of Music: Jazz drum and percussion, Solfeggio, Choir.
2021-2023, Vienna (Austria)
Die Angewandte, Arts in Applied Human Rights. Master Degree, final grade: 1 with distinction.

2017 - 2021, Bolzano/Bozen (Italy)
Free University of Bolzano/Bozen, Faculty of Design and Art, Major in Art. Trilingual Bachelor Degree, final grade: 110 Cum Laude.

Summer semester 2019, Jerusalem
Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts, department of Photography.