2023 Klangraum Krems Minoritenkirche,
Krems an der Donau (Austria). Performance 12’.
Luisa’s performance achieves a balance between strict norms and a more emotionally engaging listening experience. By moving beyond the symbolic representation of justice as a scale that oversimplifies complex issues into two opposing sides, the artist aims to convey that human beings and sound cannot be fully captured by binary language. Art can provide a language that directly connects to our emotions, leading to a greater understanding and empathy.
Art and law are more closely connected than we may realize, and by reconciling the two, we can gain a deeper understanding of norms and re-evaluate them to better align with human complexity.
Project commissioned by Imago Dei Festival, in collaboration with Platypus Ensemble.
Luisa Pisetta Ravanelli: concept, video installation and dance.
Severin Neubauer: saxophone.
Anna Koch: bass clarinet.
Photos: ©Sascha Osaka, osaka.at